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ASA Streamlight - extremely gentle contact-free method

ASA (Advanced Surface Ablation) is one of contact-free laser vision correction surgery methods that has been recognized worldwide.


In contrast from LASIK method, which involves the creation of corneal tissue flap and flipping it aside (without losing the contact with the cornea), followed by reshaping the corneal base by means of laser influence, ASA Streamlight method involves very precise and homogeneous initial removal of the upper layer of the cornea or epithelium using only laser beam, followed by vision correction – polishing of the corneal base with the laser beam and, thus, correction of the existing defects.


Protective contact lenses are inserted into the eyes after the surgery – they protect eyes, promote healing process and reduce discomfort. The contact lenses are worn for 3-4 days, while the healing of epithelium is happening.


This approach, when only the upper layer of the cornea is affected, instead of forming a cap as in the case of LASIK, allows to minimize the risks and possible complications in the post-operative period. The corneal structure is affected as little as possible.


Although the accuracy and long-term results of ASA and LASIK are virtually identical, the ASA approach is especially recommended for some patients with very thin corneas, patients who have had prior LASIK surgery, or individuals who engage in high-contact activities.

  • Extremely gentle
  • A second chance for the patients that require it

“superficial” Method that is Enjoyed by the Patients

In comparison with other contact-free or superficial methods, ASA Streamlight method inflicts the least discomfort and provides the fastest stabilization. Exactly this is the reason why we are using only this contact-free method.


The upper layer of the cornea or epithelium is removed very precisely and homogeneously.

The correction of vision is performed – the shape of the lens at the base of cornea is polished in accordance with the required correction. The time of direct impact of the laser is unique for every patient, because it depends on the required correction, but, in order to create awareness of the speed of the procedure – the excimer laser implements the correction of 1 dioptre after approximately 1.6 seconds!

Contact lenses are inserted into the eyes after surgery, and left for 3-4 days until the epithelium has been completely regrown. The contact lenses protect the eyes, promote healing process and reduce discomfort.

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