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67 288 180

Privacy policy

Our clinic cares about your privacy

AJKC SIA, registration number: 40003581099 which operates Dr. Lūkina acu klīnika (hereinafter referred to as the Clinic) where vision correction surgeries are performed by the LASIK method. This operation allows people with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism to quickly eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. The Clinic is considered to be the Controller with regard to the processing of your personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you as clearly and understandably as possible about how and why the Clinic uses your personal data. The Clinic aims to make you feel secure when you disclose your personal data to the Clinic. Personal data is any information that can be used to identify a natural person.

The Clinic takes appropriate measures to ensure that your personal data is kept secure and that the processing of your personal data is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and the Clinic’s internal procedures. It is important for the Clinic to ensure transparency and accountability in the processing of your personal data.

The Clinic is committed to protecting your personal information and maintaining confidentiality in everything the Clinic does.

This Policy lets you know what personal data the Clinic may collect about you, how the Clinic will process it, what your rights are, and how you can contact the Clinic. The Clinic may need to update this Privacy Policy. Any changes will be posted on the Clinic’s website, which is of course accessible to you at any time.

  • Safety
  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Efficiency

To whom is personal data transferred?

Your personal data is kept secure and is not inappropriately transferred to others. In exceptional cases, personal data may be transferred to public authorities in the cases and to the extent provided for in the legal enactments.

In order to ensure high quality customer service, AJKC SIA uses the following mobile phone numbers for customer information purposes: 23230357, 26226905, 29512847 and Acuklinika.

The clinic uses the information system “Ārstu birojs” (Doctor’s Office). The developer and maintainer of the “Ārstu birojs” system is Meditec SIA, registration number: 40003428044, which is one of the leading Latvian companies in the development of information technology systems in the healthcare sector. Meditec SIA is the owner of the information system and provides technical support in case of technical errors in the system. The Clinic’s right to use the “Ārsta Birojs” system, as well as the aspects of personal data protection, are regulated by an agreement concluded with Meditec SIA. This information system ensures the efficient exchange of information from the reception desk to the specialist’s offices, as well as the registration of clients and the administration of payments. For more information on the processing of personal data in this system, the client may:

a) consult his/her contract with the Clinic;
b) contact us at info@acuklinika.lv.

Your personal data is not processed in countries outside the European Union and the European Economic Area.

What personal data is processed by the Clinic and other important issues

Purpose: To collect and process questions, suggestions, complaints and other information received in order to prepare replies and ensure communication with the addressee. Communication may take place through the contact forum available on the website or in free form.

Categories of personal data: Name, surname, contact details, other personal information contained in the question, suggestion or complaint.

Legal basis: Consent of the data subject – the person provides the Clinic with the information via his/her actions.

Purpose: To process the requests for consultation in order to organise the visit and provide the consultation. The organisation of the consultation can be done via the contact forum available on the website, by telephone or in any other form.

Categories of personal data: Name, surname, personal identity number, time of visit, information provided during the consultation, recommendations, etc.

Legal basis: An agreement is concluded by coordinated actions, as the person provides the necessary information to the consulting organisation, attends the consultation and pays the fee in accordance with the price list.

Purpose: To provide high-level vision correction services, etc.

Categories of personal data: Health data according to each person's situation and the manipulation carried out: results of diagnoses, patient file recording the treatment provided, etc., prescribed medication, recommendations, etc.

Legal basis: In accordance with the agreement concluded with the customer and the requirements of the laws and regulations.

Purpose: To administer the payment for services rendered and to comply with the requirements of the regulatory enactments on accounting.

Categories of personal data: Name, surname, bank account, payment information.

Legal basis: In accordance with the agreement concluded with the customer and the requirements of the regulatory enactments.

Purpose: To manage and store medical records, outgoing and incoming correspondences, agreements, etc.

Categories of personal data: Medical records, correspondences, agreements containing personal data.

Legal basis: Depending on the type of documentation, it may be kept in order to pursue legitimate interests, e.g., to defend interests in court, to comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments, e.g., Cabinet Regulation No. 265 adopted 4 April 2006 "Procedures for Keeping Medical Documents", etc.

Purpose: Customer feedback may be made public to raise the profile of the Clinic and to share the experiences of other customers.

Categories of personal data: Name of the person, feedback, which may contain information about the procedure and experience.

Legal basis: Consent. Consent of the data subject – the person provides the Clinic with the information via his/her actions.

Purpose: For marketing and public information purposes, records may be made of events and activities organised or sponsored by the Clinic. The recordings are published on the Clinic's website and/or social networks such as Facebook.

Categories of personal data: The records produced by the Clinic may include photographs, names, etc., of participants and/or attendees of events.

Legal basis: Legitimate interest – informing the public about the Clinic's activities.

Purpose: For marketing and public information purposes, contests may be organised, the results of which are published.

Categories of personal data: For example, photographs, names, etc., of the contestants and/or winners, in accordance with the contest rules/regulations.

Legal basis: Consent of the participants taking part in the competition.

Purpose: To inform customers and other interested parties about our news, discounts, etc.

Categories of personal data: E-mail and/or telephone (optional), name, surname.

Legal basis: Consent. You can unsubscribe from receiving commercial communications at any time by clicking the relevant link in the e-mail or by sending us an informative e-mail.

Purpose: The Clinic carries out video surveillance of the processing of personal data of data subjects when they are present at the Clinic in order to guarantee security and ensure the protection of property. The Clinic has installed warning signs about video surveillance in the areas where video surveillance is carried out. Video surveillance is not carried out in areas where there is an expectation of privacy, such as examination and operating premises.

Categories of personal data: Video.

Legal basis: Protection of the vital interests of the Clinic's employees and visitors, including health and life, as well as the legitimate interest of the Clinic in the protection of its property.

Purpose: Cookies are small text files that are created and stored on your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) when you visit our website. Cookies "remember" the visitor's experience and basic information and thus improve the user-friendliness of the website. Cookies are used to process data on the history of website use, diagnose problems and deficiencies in the website, collect statistics on user habits and ensure full and convenient use of the website's functionality.

Categories of personal data: Cookies.

Legal basis: Essential cookies are placed automatically and do not require the user's consent under the legal enactments. For non-essential cookies, we will ask for your consent if required.

If you do not wish to allow the use of cookies, you can stop this by using your browser settings, but in this case the use of the website may be disrupted and hindered. You can delete the stored cookies by deleting the stored cookie history in the settings section of your device's web browser.

You as the data subject
The Clinic obtains your personal data directly from you as the data subject, for example:

  • when you make an appointment for a consultation;
  • when we receive and process your questions, suggestions and complaints;
  • when you submit your personal data for participation in a contest, etc.

Created as a result of a process:

  • when personal data is generated in the course of providing a service, such as diagnostics;
  • when visiting the Clinic premises (video surveillance);
  • by cookies.

Personal data is stored until:

  • the fulfilment of an obligation imposed by a legal regulation (e.g. accounting requirements);
  • where processing is based on consent, personal data is processed for as long as the consent given is valid and has not been withdrawn;
  • the achievement of the stated purpose of the processing.

Video surveillance recordings are kept for a maximum of 30 days. The recordings are deleted automatically in chronological order from the moment of recording. Individual recordings may be retained for longer periods of time if necessary for the achievement of certain purposes, such as the investigation of incidents and offences.

Longer storage periods are permitted in order to comply with the requirements of the regulatory enactments on minimum storage periods for documents or information or to protect the legitimate interests of the Clinic, for example in the event of legal proceedings. In providing medical services, we comply with specific laws and regulations that require us to store certain data. If you would like to know more detailed information, please contact us.

Once this period has expired, the Clinic will securely delete your personal data or make it inaccessible (archiving) or non-identifiable so that it can no longer be linked to you.

Your medical records and the information they contain cannot be accessed by persons not involved in the treatment process. Your medical records and the information they contain are stored in a separate locked room or in locked cabinets secured against access by persons not involved in the treatment process. The keys to the room or cabinets shall be kept by the person responsible.
The Clinic shall ensure, keep under review and improve safeguards to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, accidental loss, disclosure or destruction. In order to do this, the Clinic applies modern technology, technical and organisational requirements, including the use of firewalls, antivirus programs, encryption.

However, the Clinic recommends that you comply with the general security rules for the use of devices and the Internet, as well as the requirements for the protection and storage of your private data (in particular your personal identity documents). The Clinic is not liable for any unauthorised access to your personal data and/or loss of data caused by your fault or negligence.

In the event of a security incident of your personal data, if it poses a potentially high risk to your rights and freedoms, we will notify you immediately, if possible, or the information will be made public on our website or in any other possible way.

The data protection legislation gives you a number of rights to influence the processing of your personal data. To exercise these rights, please submit a written application to the Clinic: in person at the Clinic's premises at Marijas iela 13-1, Riga, LV-1050 (bring your passport or ID card) or send an application signed with a secure electronic signature and time stamp to info@acuklinika.lv.

Upon receipt of your application, the Clinic will identify you, i.e. verify that you are the person you claim to be, and provide you with a reply within one month.

Access to personal data: You have the right to request confirmation from the Clinic whether it processes your personal data and, in such cases, to request a copy of the personal data processed.

Correction of personal data: if you believe that information about you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to ask the Clinic to correct it.

Withdrawal of consent: insofar as the Clinic processes your personal data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. In such case, the Clinic will stop processing your personal data for the purpose for which you provided your consent. Please note that withdrawal of consent will not entitle you to challenge the lawfulness of the processing carried out by the Clinic prior to the withdrawal of consent.

Deletion: You have the right to ask the Clinic to delete your personal data in certain circumstances. However, please note that deletion is not possible in cases where the processing of the data is required by law. Once the data is no longer necessary for the performance of the specified functions, the Clinic will delete, archive or make inaccessible/unidentifiable in some other way.

Restriction of processing and objection to data processing: In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask the Clinic to restrict the processing of your personal data. However, please note that restriction of processing is not possible in cases where the processing of the data is required by law.

Data portability: Under certain circumstances, you have the right to receive or transfer your personal data to another data controller. This right includes only data that you have provided to the Clinic on the basis of your consent or an agreement.

Right to apply to the Data State Inspectorate: We value your privacy and encourage you to contact the Clinic with any questions or concerns, however, if you believe that your personal data is being processed in an inappropriate manner, you have the right to contact the Data State Inspectorate. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data State Inspectorate (http://www.dvi.gov.lv/lv/funkcijas/kontaktinformacija/)

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, please contact the Clinic.

Clinic contact details:

  • Address: Marijas iela 13-1, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050
  • Registration number: 40003581099
  • E-mail: info@acuklinika.lv
  • Information telephone: +371 67 288 180


Contact details of the Data Protection Officer:

  • E-mail: info@acuklinika.lv with the subject 'Data Protection Officer'

Version 1.0

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