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Laser Vision Correction

It takes just 15 minutes to forget about the glasses and contact lenses

Laser vision correction surgery has been the principal activity of the clinic since 2003.

Ussually, laser surgery easily corrects vision problems, each patient is a highly individual case, because the eyes, physiological requirements, age and, of course, the quality of vision of each of us are unique. We use internationally recognised and the most popular– LASIK method, to ensure the well-being and comfort of different patients, we are particularly specialised in two different methods – SMART LASIK and ASA (Advanced Surface Ablation) Streamlight, and have created three unique offers for the well-being of our patients – EXTRA SAVER LASIK, SMART LASIK and ASA Streamlight.


SMART LASIK is the most popular method, which has a short post-surgical recovery period (in most patients it lasts for 2-5 days!) and fast return to active daily life as its main advantages. Thanks to the short time of direct laser impact (approximately 1 second, to correct one dioptre), the influence of the external environment on the tissue of the cornea is considerably reduced, which results in much faster healing.


Information on the most significant differences of the methods is available below, but the experts of the clinic are the people, who determine the most appropriate method for each patient during pre-surgery tests, explain the reasons for their choice, the nature of the procedures, as well as provide recommendations and answers to all questions.

  • More than 20 years in Latvia
  • More than 25,000 surgeries performed
  • LASIK methods
  • Immediate effect
  • Duration of the surgery - 15 minutes
  • Post-surgical rest at the clinic
  • More acute vision
  • Brighter colours

The Most Advanced Technologies in the Baltic States

WaveLight EX500 laser – one of the world’s fastest excimer lasers. It is used to perform EXTRA SAVER LASIK, SMART LASIK and ASA Streamlight surgery, which are favoured by patients due to the speed of their action (improved wave route technology).

The movement of the eye is measured 1,050 times per second and 1 dioptre is corrected in just 1.4 seconds! This new generation laser, which works 2x faster, and PerfecPulse technology guarantees high precision and safety during surgery. The certificate of the United States Food and Drug Administration FDA has been granted to it. Thanks to WaveLight® algorithm and faster work of laser head, the corneal tissue is characterised by slower drying and the sensitivity to patient movement during therapy is also reduced.

Excellently High Success Rate of Vision Correction

In accordance with the data of our clinic, 99.7% of the patients do not require eyeglasses or contact lenses after the vision correction surgery. The cases, when eyeglasses are still required, occur in patients over 45 years of age and the glasses are required for reading only. An opportunity to choose the method of operation to reduce the need of using glasses for reading is available.

The short time span of laser impact reduces the effect of the surrounding environment on corneal tissue, thus reducing the risk of complications in post-surgical period, and the post-surgical period becomes shorter.



Opportunity for quick thinkers.


Lifelong comfort.


Extremely gentle opportunity for all.

Before and after laser correction surgery

The most significant issue that needs to be considered before laser vision correction surgery - a thorough pre-surgical examination is a step towards a successful surgical operation.

The pre-surgical examination is divided into two parts – examinations and consultation.
During the examination a detailed vision check is performed, the conformity to laser vision correction surgery and the recommended method of the surgery is determined. Examination results, as well as all issues related to the surgery, preparation for the surgery and post-surgical period are discussed.


Please keep in mind that wearing of contact lenses before examinations, as well as before vision correction surgery is not recommended, because they affect the natural shape or convexity of the cornea. The parameters of natural shape of the cornea are among the most significant criteria to ensure the maximum efficiency of laser correction of vision.

Prior to pre-surgical visit and before surgery, wearing of contact lenses should be avoided for 7 - 10 (soft contact lenses) or 30 (rigid contact lenses) days before the examination.


Pre-surgical examination lasts for 1 h and the following tests are performed:

  • The anterior, as well as posterior part of the eye will be inspected to determine its condition.
  • The strength of the current eyeglasses will be measured (lensometry);
  • The diameter of eye pupils will be measured;
  • The convexity of the cornea will be determined in 3D (topography of the cornea);
  • The thickness of the cornea will be determined (pachymetry);
  • The requirement for precise correction of vision in terms of eyeglass strength will be determined. It will be used for the performance of vision correction surgery.


The following action will be taken during the second part of the pre-surgery examination:

  • Answers to all questions that you are interested in will be provided;
  • All most significant details and instructions regarding pre-surgical period, as well as the procedure of the surgical operation and post-surgical period will be explained – very specifically and in fine detail;
  • The best options of possible therapy will be discussed;
  • The contract regarding the operation, as well as an annex thereof that summarises all information that is useful for the patients and have been discussed during the consultation, shall be issued to the patient.


The purpose of the consultation is to allow you to ask all questions that you are interested in. Our specialist will gladly provide explanations on everything that you would like to clarify to you!

Careful observation of the instructions of the specialists is the pre-requisite of successful recovery!


Do not use either decorative or hygienic cosmetic products on the face and around eyes.
Do not use alcohol.
There are no special limitations regarding meals and the use of medications, however, please inform us about any medications that you are taking.


Select comfortable clothes.
Avoid wool or cotton clothing that can generate lint or dust in the operation theatre.
No cosmetics may be present on the face.


PLEASE BE WARNED that, for your safety reasons, we will be forced to cancel the surgery, if these requirements are not met.


The actual duration of the surgery is on average 15 minutes (for both eyes), but keep in mind that you will have to stay in the clinic for several hours, because the following routine on the day of surgery is faced by most patients - arrival to the clinic, completion and discussion of the contract, receipt of the post-surgical medications and instruction on how to use them, pre-surgical examination, laser vision correction surgery, approximately 2-3 h of rest at the clinic after the surgical operation and post-surgical examination followed by return home.


Please consider that you are recommended to have an assistant, who will take you home after the surgery and, irrespectively of the season, you might need sunglasses to reduce the sensitivity to bright light.

The first repeated visit for all patients without exceptions is scheduled on the next morning after surgery!

The mandatory post-surgery visits at our clinic are: 

  • On the next day after surgery;
  • One week after surgery;
  • Two weeks after surgery;
  • One month after surgery;
  • 3 months after surgery;
  • 6 months after surgery;
  • 1 year after surgery;
  • further on - vision control once per year.

We have developed a plan of post-surgery visits, because we care about the health of our patients not only during the surgery, but for a long time after it, therefore vision control visits with the optometrist are included in the price of the surgery for the patients of our clinic. After surgery, patients are entitled to perform free vision control with the optometrist until the end of their life (starting with the second post-surgery year).



On the day of surgery: 

  • The day of surgery is a day of rest;
  • Avoid closing your eyelids with effort;
  • Take care not to poke, rub or otherwise touch your eyes, while you are doing something;
  • Sunglasses must be used for one week on average after surgery, while the eyes are sensitive to light;
  • Driving must be avoided;
  • Working with a computer and watching television must be avoided;
  • You might need to abstain from work for the first day after surgery, this depends on your type of business. Be sure to discuss it with your physician.

3 days after surgery: 

  • It is recommended to take shower instead of a bath, avoid contact of soap or water with your eyes at any cost;
  • Driving is permissible, preferably not during the night time;
  • Working with a computer for a long time and watching television must be avoided;
  • Excessive use of alcohol must be avoided, because it attracts water to tissues;
  • Use of alcohol can affect the prospective result of surgery, as well as to increase the feeling of dryness in the eyes after the surgery;
  • Travel by air is permitted, but the eyes must be moistened every 30 minutes during the flight, because the air in the plane is very dry.

One week after surgery: 

  • The medications prescribed by the physician must be used, they will help reducing the feeling of dryness and promote the healing process, as well as reduce the risk of possible post-surgical complications;
  • Staying in dusty premises and premises with air composition that irritates eyes is prohibited (smoke, caustic odours, etc.);
  • Use of eye creams is prohibited.

2 weeks after surgery: 

  • No decorative cosmetics may be used in the area of the eyes.

The following is prohibited one month after surgery: 

  • Rubbing your eyes
  • Swimming in the swimming pool
  • Visiting baths or saunas
  • Visiting sun-parlours

How much would you save, if you did not need to wear contact lenses?

*The cost of SMART LASIK and ASA Streamlight laser vision correction operation includes free vision control tests performed by an optometrist