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If I had known that the surgery and recovery is so easy, I would have done this several years earlier, as soon as the vision stabilised.
Of course, I was very worried, I had only one question of whether I will see at all after the surgery :)) However, the responsive personnel and detailed description enclosed with the contract helped to reduce my anxiety. I received answers to all my questions. It was unusual, but on the next day I could see sufficiently clearly, I still had the feeling that I was wearing my lenses and that in the evenings before sleep I still “take off my eyeglasses” 🙂

There are many questions from my friends about the surgery, I try to encourage them, to not be afraid.

Una Taal-Medvide, 2018

Many thanks to Dr. Lūkins and other personnel of the clinic for the care, excellent attitude and professionalism.
I was waiting long for that day, when I could get rid of eyeglasses and contact lenses. Of course, the closer was the day of operation, the bigger was my anxiety… but it proved to be in vain. The surgery is completely painless and the result manifests immediately after the surgery. Now I can see clearer than ever, either while wearing glasses or lenses. Finally, I can wear sunglasses and stop worrying about eyeglasses that keep getting sweaty in winter or break when they fall. The best gift for myself, during graduation from university. Thank you!

Anete Miķelsone

Good afternoon, today we had a collective annual health check at our workplace, which included vision check as well. I will try to quote the fragment of conversation between the expert and me.
Expert: do you use eyeglasses? I: No
E: have you had them at any moment? I: yes
E: have you had vision correction? I: yes
E: when? I: 6 years ago
E: where? I: at Lūkins’
E: excellent! The inspection is performed – right eye, left eye – the lower lines are read with ease, the pressure has been checked, there are no complaints. Expert: congratulations, your vision is perfect!
Although the time has passed, I am still satisfied with this achievement! Thanks again

Baiba Besere

I was gathering my courage for 3 years before this surgery! I went through full vision examination for three years, but… I could not pull myself together! In December 2014, all circumstances were combined in a way, which did not allow for longer delay.
I was very, very much afraid, but now, with my hand on my heart, I can say – it is a piece of cake! Piece of cake! I had a feeling that I was on the operation table for 5 seconds! J
A visit to a dental hygienist (not a dentist!) is even less pleasant.
I trusted Dr. Lūkins a lot. Therefore, as soon as I saw the doctor, complete peace and conviction took over! I am happy that we understood each other and I did not make your job difficult by being stressful.
There is only one thing that I regret – that I did not pull myself together earlier!
Surrender yourself, believe and know that – the surgery is a piece of cake!


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