67 288 180
67 288 180

Retinal Rejuvenation therapy

Age-Related Macular Degeneration – the most common cause of loss of vision in the western world

Macula is the area of the retina where the vision is most acute. This is the region where photoreceptors (the cells that we see with) are particularly densely packed.
Age-related macular degeneration affects the central retina and causes the loss of central visual acuity. For a person this means a distortion of written text and seeing blurred faces. At the last stage, the person is only capable of employing peripheral vision to perceive the surroundings. Reading, driving and even watching television is no longer possible at this stage. AMD is a dramatic and irreversible process.
The development of AMD in old age is directly affected by the lifestyle (stress, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet) and genetics. If the older generation of the family has a history of AMD, the probability of its development in future generations is high.

Although data show that one 50-65 year-old person out of ten is experiencing the early onset of AMD, the age of people, in whom early signs of AMD are reported, is decreasing every year. The natural ageing process is the main cause of AMD, but environmental factors like smoking, wrong diet, sedentary lifestyle, and stress are also contributing to the earlier onset of the disease.

Early (dry) symptoms of AMD are found in:

  • every tenth person aged 50-65
  • every fifth person aged 65-74
  • every third person aged 75-84

The severe (wet) stage of AMD affects:

  • approx. 1% of patients aged 65-74
  • approx. 5% of patients aged 75-84

Age-related macular degeneration or AMD is the most common cause of loss of vision in the western world.


In 50% of cases in Germany, AMD is a major cause of severe visual impairment and loss of vision. In the later stages of the disease, irreversible degeneration of the retina with photoreceptors occurs. The wet form of AMD may develop in the affected eye and only in some cases can regular intravitreal injections protect the patient from the loss of vision.

Since AMD affects the central retina, the early stages of AMD can only be detected by a retinal specialist during an eye examination. Perceptible visual impairments point to late stages of the disease.

  • The incidence of AMD is increasing with age
  • In 85% of cases, early (dry) AMD is the most common form of age-related macular degeneration
  • 15% of patients in the early (dry) AMD pass into the severe (wet) AMD stage

Thanks To The Development Of The 2rt Laser, AMD Can Be Treated At The Early Stage Of The Disease.


2RT is a non-invasive and painless retinal rejuvenation therapy method. The use of a 2RT laser stimulates the natural biological reaction of the retina, which triggers the process of cell regeneration. 2RT therapy eliminates existing initial signs of the disease and prevents the progression of the disease. This can prevent transition to the late, wet AMD, thus significantly reducing the risk of losing your vision due to AMD.

2RT procedure can also be used to treat diabetic macular oedema.


Therapy procedure


At our clinic, the 2RT procedure is performed in outpatient care. It lasts for 10-20 minutes.

Eye drops are used as local anaesthetic before the procedure and the eye pupil is dilated. During the procedure, cells of the retina are treated in a very gentle manner that is painless for the patient, the patient has to sit back and look at the contact glass through a special lens. Antibiotic eye drops are received after the procedure. The procedure is painless. It only takes a few minutes.


After The 2rt Procedure


Driving a car is prohibited after the procedure. Complaints of mild redness or blurred vision that disappear over the course of a few hours are possible. The procedure can be repeated an unlimited number of times. In cases where signs of AMD are observed in both eyes, procedures are performed with an interval of several days between them.


In case of any other questions, please, call – +371 67 288 181.